Please contact the surgery – Immunisations Outstanding
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We encourage all parents to bring their children in for routine vaccinations to keep them well and protected. You have now received several invitations to book in for immunisations, but you do not appear to have responded.
We appreciate it can be a very busy time being a parent, and so it may have slipped your mind; if this is the case please do call to book a suitable appointment with the Practice Nurse.
We know some parents do choose not to have their child vaccinated but we have a duty of care to ensure you have received the relevant information to make this important decision for your child’s future.
Please access the below information to help you make an informed decision.
If you wish to decline your child’s vaccinations, please do contact the surgery so we can update your child’s record appropriately.
You may not receive further invitations for vaccinations but your child will remain eligible, so if you did change your mind, they can be bought up to date with the age appropriate vaccinations.
The local health visiting team/school nursing team are also available to support parents with vaccination choices. Health Visitors can be contacted on 01922 603074 and School Nurses on 01922 423349.
We shall send a copy of this letter to the appropriate team so that they know you may be calling them to discuss.
Yours sincerely
The Nursing Team