Total Feedback:
94% (16)
6% (1)
Dec 2020
Hello, how was your visit today?
All so helpful and nice we deserve medals :)
Hello, how was your visit today?
Helpful, friendly and professional!
Hello, how was your visit today?
Had an ECG, bloods pressure and urine test today. Very impressed by the timelliness and professionalism of Jane and Sally. They were above and beyond as managed to do my bloods also, which was booked in for the following day. In addition I booked and was called yesterday and all done a day later - could not ask for a better service. Thank you !!!
Hello, how was your visit today?
XX. Thank you to the practice and wishing all the staff a lovely christmas.
Hello, how was your visit today?
All very kind and sound lovely. Very helpful.
Hello, how was your visit today?
Patient said very happy with the surgery. All of reception deserve a medal, and all doctors are very helpful.
Hello, how was your visit today?
XX - Thank you to the whole surgery, very helpful.
Hello, how was your visit today?
XX & XX. Thanked us all for our support. Dr H : )
Hello, how was your visit today?
XX - Thank you to the whole surgery, can't say a negative thing.
Hello, how was your visit today?
XX - Very pleased with our service from all of the staff. Pleased with our prompt replies and our care.
Hello, how was your visit today?
XX - completed learning disability check for daughter - thanked us for all of our support.
Hello, how was your visit today?
Excellent service (eConsult lite). We are really helpful. From XX.
Hello, how was your visit today?
XX told me he isn't happy with the eConsult system - he thinks it takes too long and there should be just one box to fill out. Symptoms rather than lots of drop down boxes.
I agree it can be annoying having to go through lot's of drop down lists. Unfortunately, we have to use what we are given by the NHS. *Thankfully in 2023 we changed our online system : )
Hello, how was your visit today?
XX on behalf of XX. Brilliant service dropped urine sample to surgery & script was delivered same day.
Hello, how was your visit today?
Lovely bunch of people, she cant fault us. From XX.
Hello, how was your visit today?
Patients daughter said we are all doing a great job and have been very helpful.
Hello, how was your visit today?
XX called to wish everyone at Portland a happy christmas. He also wanted to thank everyone for everything we do for them.