Walsall Health Visiting Service
The Health Visiting Service supports and educates families from pregnancy until your child starts school.
The service is provided by a team led by health visitors who are qualified nurses with specialist training in public health for children. The service delivers the Healthy Child Programme 0-5.
Parents and carers can contact the service, telephone: 01922 603074 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) or Email: Walsallhealthvisiting.SPA@nhs.net
Further information is available: https://www.walsallhealthcare.nhs.uk/our-services/health-visiting/
Other support services:
Health in Pregnancy Team: work with health visitors, midwives and other agencies to provide practical assistance for pregnant women and their families. Contact number: 01922 423252 Healthin.pregnancy@walsallhealthcare.nhs.uk
Specialist Health Visiting Team - Child Development Centre: work with a multi-disciplinary team to offer assessments and timely interventions to children with disabilities and complex needs. Contact number: 01922 605800
Specialist Health Visiting Team for Vulnerable families - Asylum Seekers, refugees, families living in temporary accommodation, Gypsies and Travellers. Contact number: 01922 605656 vulnerableteam.healthvisiting@nhs.net
Infant Feeding Support Service: work with health visitors, midwives and partner agencies to ensure women and their families, antenatally and postnatally, are supported to achieve their infant feeding goals, offering assessment for complex infant feeding issues including a nurse led tongue tie clinic. Contact number: 01922 605248 walsallinfant.feeding@nhs.net